Daniela Andrade X Coup Boutique

July 08, 2014


We recently had the pleasure of spending the morning in the studio with Daniela Andrade!  Daniela is an up and coming Canadian Singer / Songwriter (you’ve probably heard her amazing cover of Gnarls Barkley’s ‘Crazy’). Not only is Daniela incredibly talented and down-to-earth, she’s also stunning (the photos below will speak for themselves).

We were able to chat with Daniela a bit about her music, travel, and personal style – you can read the conversation below!

Coup Boutique:  How would you describe your personal style?

Daniela Andrade: My style changes quite a bit, I’ve been really digging more masculine clothes for the past year or so. There’s something about loose fitting shirts, dresses and sneakers that makes me feel more myself… and then I have days where I wake up and decide that I want to dress really feminine.

CB: Do you have any fashion icons?

DA: Young Winona Ryder. From her hair to her shoes, 80’s Winona mixed masculine and feminine with such grace and beauty –it always floors me.

CB:  How does your style change from your everyday-wear to when you’re performing?

DA: Through some trial-and-error, I’ve found it best to just be as comfortable as I can without being in my PJs on stage –it makes it more fun for me to move around. So I take some basic staples from my closet –like black jeans and a white tee–  and try and make them look a little more stage-worthy by putting some more effort and adding maybe a lose flannel top, cardigan, or jacket that I feel spruces up the outfit.  On a regular day I’m mostly in jeans and a lose tank, or if I’m feeling girly I’ll slip into a comfy dress.

CB: We’ve noticed that music trends often inspire fashion trends, and vice versa. Do you find that what inspires your songwriting also inspires your style?

DA: Yeah, definitely. I really like how clothing can be another way of representing your songs and where you’re at. Listening back to songs I wrote over four years ago, compared to the things I’ve been writing in the past year, I can see this huge shift and growth; it definitely connects with the clothes I used to wear and how I dress now.

CB: What have been some of your most memorable moments and experiences as a singer-songwriter?

DA: Live shows. There isn’t anything like them. Its such a palpable feeling being able to connect with people that enjoy what you’re doing and stick around to listen for a little while.

CB: How would you compare the fashion and creative scenes in Edmonton to places you’ve been to while touring?

DA: It wasn’t until I started traveling more that I was able to discover Edmonton’s “vibe.” Edmonton is really laid-back, and its refreshing after trips to fast-paced cities like New York and Toronto. While cities like NYC and YYZ seem to be more fashion-forward –with amazing buskers on all corners and bustling with activity– Edmonton is like this silent cocoon of creativity…at least to me. The scenes are a bit more quiet here but very present and really inspiring; its got a bit of everything, you just gotta keep your eyes open for it.


Photography: Alyssa Lau

Make up: Annie Do

Styling: Daniela Andrade & Coup Boutique

All clothing available at www.coupboutique.com